by: Tehila Mörtl
As stated before, we at Protect & Advise Senior Care Consultants are passionate about keeping senior citizens in our society safe, secure and living with a sense of peace. Part of ensuring an elders peace of mind comes with organizing one’s estate and ensuring that all necessary legal documentation is in place. Legal documents prepared and implemented by New York Estate Planning Lawyer include wills, gifts, trusts in which arrangements are made for transfer of assets from the decedent’s estate to assigned heirs and beneficiaries, etc..
These attorneys must also be educated in tax law so that reduction of taxes and fees imposed on an estate are minimized. Additional matters which a New York Estate Planning Lawyer can assist with include securing life insurance to cover the cost of funeral and burial expenses, maintaining an individual’s financial well-being by integrating fiduciary knowledge, business development, investments, retirement plans, annuities, intestacy, and bequeaths to charitable organizations.
One might wish to discuss trusts vs. wills with their estate planning lawyer as a trust unlike wills, one can help avoid the expensive and lengthy process of overseeing distribution of assets.
As reported in Forbes, the number of lawyers who specialize in estate planning has decreased due to the 2010 estate tax relief legislation. Whereas individuals with modest estates previously had to pay between $2,000 and $3,500 for an estate plan while larger, more intricate estates resulted in much higher fees. The change in legislation increased the amount of property value to $5,000,000 before estate taxes are required. Therefore, many no longer require advanced estate planning to avoid such taxes. Either way, the services provided by an New York estate planning lawyer such as wills, trusts, appointing trustees, etc. continue to be of great importance when planning one’s estate and distribution of such upon their demise.
Thank you for visiting Advise & Protect Senior Care Consultants and joining in our discussion on the services provided by an New York Estate Planning Lawyer. Please check back as we continue exploring other elder law topics including but not limited, elder abuse, powers of attorney, etc. Meanwhile, please be reminded that we offer many services FREE of charge so, should you have questions, we encourage you to give us a call at 646-820-9202 and speak with one of our Senior Care Consultants. They will be able to answer any questions you might have to begin the process of providing whatever assistance you might need.
Should you have an experience in elder law that will be of assistance to our other readers and would like to share, please contact us directly.

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At some point during your time caring for an elderly parent, you may hear the terms “power of attorney”, or POA, and “guardianship”. While the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably by laymen, they actually hold very different meanings under the law...
Contrary to what you might think, a senior nursing home can be an active and healthy environment where senior citizens can thrive. If you’re a senior citizen or are caring for a senior citizen, you might have questions about senior eligibility for nursing home assistance. Unfortunately, rumors and fallacies often prevent seniors from...
Arranging senior legal assistance for your elder, in regards to healthcare, is important not only to them but you as well. The law which protects each individual’s rights regarding healthcare privacy under the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)...
When obtaining senior legal help, among the topics which should be discussed are Powers of Attorney and different ways in which these can be implemented that many are not aware of. To put it simply, a power of attorney allows a designated individual to carry out your financial, health or other wishes should you become incapacitated.
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Given the severity and how wide spread this issue is in nursing homes, we at Advise & Protect Senior Care Consultants feel it is of the utmost importance to discuss abuse and neglect taking place in care facilities and the need for a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney...
As we continue in our elder law series, given the Supreme Court determined that much of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional in June 2013; then, finally ruling in 2015 that states must allow same sex marriages, we feel it prudent to address how same sex couples can benefit from the services of estate attorneys...
It wise to discuss the difference between a trust and a will; as well as, some of the many types of trusts. To begin with, most trusts focus only on specific assets (i.e. life insurance, a particular piece of property) while a will...
When a parent moves into a senior care nursing facility or passes away, it can often leave surviving children wondering what to do with all of the personal effects their parent amassed over the years. Most people don’t even think about this kind of thing until they find themselves responsible for dealing with the property, whether they’re ready to...
There was an instance I can recall though when we made a move from one state to another and accepted the recommendation of a mover on good faith without due diligence. Let me tell you that
Whether relocating to warmer weather, to be closer to loved ones or to join an assisted living community, moving for seniors can be extremely difficult both physically and emotionally. Having an advocate on your side to help ensure everything is completed properly is extremely important. Here at Advise and Protect we will assigned a dedicated specialist to work with you on every aspect of your move. This includes selecting the right moving professionals who specialize in moving seniors as well as having everything packed, cleaned and taken care of.
Senior relocations in New York can be a big event for everyone involved. It can be exciting, scary, confusing and even fun all at the same time. There are many things that need to take place when relocating a senior citizen and making sure they all go smoothly can be difficult. Here at Advise and Protect we specialize in coordinating every aspect of a senior relocation. Whether you’re moving to a smaller home in the New York area or you’re heading off to sunny Florida, we can assist throughout the process. Our dedicated team of professionals serve seniors and their families throughout Brooklyn, NYC, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island and the surrounding areas.
Senior moving can be a difficult time for everyone involved, but it doesn’t have to be. If you or a loved one are thinking about downsizing or moving into an assisted living community, you will want to get the best team to ensure everything goes smoothly. Here at Advise and Protect we can provide assistance to you with every aspect of your relocation. We serve senior citizens and their families throughout Staten Island, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and NYC.
Moving services for seniors can be extremely beneficial in ensuring that everything related to your relocation goes smoothly. Whether you are a senior citizen looking to downsize or you have an elderly family member who needs assistance with a move, we are here every step of the way. Here at Advise & Protect we can assign you a senior care consultant to guide you and plan your entire move.
Seniors moving services in New York are a service that many people need once in a while, but not often enough to become experts. When senior citizens are moving it is important to work with a trusted company to ensure nothing goes wrong.
When seniors move it is important to make sure everything is planned out properly. If possible, it is best to start planning several months in advance so that you can make sure everything is arranged just how it needs to be.
Senior moving services are a great way to make sure your move goes smoothly. Whether you are moving yourself or planning a move for a loved one, we can help you to find the right senior moving service to ensure everything goes according to plan.
Having a senior move manager working with you or your loved one is the best way to ensure your relocation doesn’t have any trouble. We are not a moving company, but we can help make all the arrangements for your move whether you are staying in the New York area or moving to another part of the country. We have worked with many senior citizens over the years and would be honored to serve you as well.
If you are preparing for a move in the near future you may have tried to figure out which are the best senior moving companies. Whether you look through the phone book or browse through the internet you will find that there are dozens of moving services in New York and they all claim to be able to help senior citizens with any relocation work they need done. The reality is, however, that they aren’t all equally qualified.
If you find that your home is too large for your needs, senior downsizing is often the perfect solution. Many people are ready to sell the large home they raised their children in and move to a smaller house or apartment.
Senior move management services in New York are a great way to ensure you don’t run into any trouble while relocating. There are many senior citizens in the area who move, which is why we began offering this great service. Our team of experts are able to manage every aspect of a relocation to make sure there are no problems. In the event of any issue, the senior move management professional can step in and take care of it to ensure there is no inconvenience to the client.
Our moving managers are here to serve senior citizens with everything they need related to their move, and with other things as well. When preparing for a move, for example, we can help you to clean out your home to ensure everything is ready. If you have belongings that you no longer need, we can hold a garage sale or arrange to have things donated to a local charity. If your home is in need of some repairs before your move, we work with the best repair companies in New York and can make the arrangements to have everything done properly.
Finding the right senior move specialist is an easy task, and one that will ensure your entire moving experience is much easier and more enjoyable. Here at Advise and Protect we are the experts in assisting senior citizens with any type of relocation. We serve people throughout New York and would be happy to work with you as well.
Senior moving managers are a great way to ensure any relocation goes smoothly. Whether you’re moving to a warmer part of the country, to a smaller home or to an assisted living community, we are happy to serve. Our moving managers have helped many people throughout New York to plan out every aspect of the move to ensure everything is completed properly and without any problems.
Finding good moving companies for seniors is more involved than just calling the nearest professional moving service. Senior citizens have many needs that other people don’t have during a relocation and getting everything right is more important because of the fact that seniors often can’t take care of things when there is a problem.
Over the past several weeks we have received a number of inquiries regarding various aspects of moving for seniors prompting me to write what will be a fifteen part series of Blogs regarding the subject. As I begin my research on moving for seniors, my goal is to locate free information which can be summarized...
Prior to your senior moving, it is important to review all aspects of your elder’s income, savings, investments, etc. to establish what he or she can afford. To begin with, which type of housing would your senior like to consider?
As we continue in the discussion of moving elders, this installment will address how Senior Moving Managers can assist in protecting one’s rights when working with a moving company...
When delving into the topic of senior relocation and senior moving companies, there are a vast array of resources and services available, Senior Moving Managers being only...
As we continue in our series on elder moving, one might be asking what a Senior Move Specialist does. In this brief installation on senior moving, that is exactly...
Having moved a fair number of times throughout our life together, I like many, have come up with tactics that make the process not only easier but less intimidating once in our new home. As we begin this installment on senior moves, please allow me to share one thing which I have found most helpful...
In this installment, I would like to delve into what the services of Senior Move Management entails.
Included in this article is such information as...
As we continue in the discussion regarding moving an elder, in this installment, let us review some of the services a Senior Move Manager provides. For instance, Senior Move Managers with Advise & Protect Senior Care Consultants not only organize moves but will see to the vast array of details involved in your elder’s move...
When delving into the topic of senior relocation and senior moving companies, there are a vast array of resources and services available. Of most importance is securing a professional, well established company that has experience in moving elders and all...
Let us address moving services for seniors and how a senior move manager can assist in downsizing in NYC...
As we continue in the discussion moving elders, I would like to address additional information on senior moving services. To begin with, one might wish to be aware that assistance can be had with all of the following and then some..
As we continue in the discussion regarding seniors move, addressed today will be information on legal documents and that which one cannot afford to do without...
As we discussed previously one does have specific rights and responsibilities when hiring a senior moving services. Unfortunately, despite putting in the time and effort to secure the services of a professional moving company, there